It's Time For The Great Toy And Crap Clean Out of 2015

With Christmas only a few days away, it's time for my annual, Great Toy Clean Out! For the third year in a row, I'm decluttering my child's toys before new ones arrive. After a year of playing and growing, many of the toys are no longer age appropriate or haven't been played with in months. 

Beside the fact I can't stand the unnecessary clutter, there are many children who would love the toys my child no longer does, so, Annual toy clean out it is! I'll also gather old clothes, blankets, hats and gloves to donate as well.

I LOVE my annual toy and crap clean out. Unfortunately the kid and FTD hate it, so most of the time I fight off protests to keep the toy, even though both had forgotten it even existed. I find it's easier to throw them out of the house while I'm doing it.

To make quick work of the clean out, I grab two boxes; one for donations and the other for things I want to keep or sell because I spent an egregious amount of money on it,only for my kid to lose interest after 10 minutes. 

This system works  because I can go through everything quickly and not think twice about it.  Once it goes in the box, it stays in the box.Then, I immediately throw it all in the car and drop it off at each place. If those boxes sit in the house and either FTD or Ollie finds one, I can kiss that box goodbye.

I am so stoked to get this clean out underway. Most of all, I can't wait to see my living room floor again! The toys have taken over, and it's time for me to fight back!

Thomas and Hotwheels will never be given away or sold.
We want to save them for Ollie's children.
Something tells me they will still be popular..
If your house is being taken over by toys, I cannot recommend enough going through them and donating as many as possible. 

How do you deal with the toy explosion? Do you have a system for cleaning out toys and clutter?

April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit