Seven Tips For Surviving Cold And Flu Season

Being that we are in the throws of cold and flu season, I thought I would share a few of my best tips for caring for a sick sad face. a.k.a your family and yourself when down and out with the flu. Below you will find my best tips for caring for littles, with facts, studies and recommendations for keeping the entire family healthy year round!

1. Resist the urge to reduce a low grade fever.  It's not a coincidence a fever is usually the first sign illness, especially in children. A fever is the body's first line of defense, and should not be treated when below 102 in children. I know it's hard, but when your child has a low grade fever  (anything below 102F), CTFD (Calm the f#ck Down) and let the fever do its job. Below is a recommendation from the Mayo Clinic on how to treat fevers in children:

2. Focus on Fluids, not food. Don't freak out when your little turns up their nose up to solid favorites. Between the sore throat and fatigue, eating may seem more like a chore than anything else.   Stay focused on the fluids, especially when a fever is present. Smoothies are great for these situations.


3. Color is Key. If everything coming out of your child is it's usual color, then most likely it's a virus that will run it's course, no need to freak out. If green slime begins flowing from your child's nose, that's a sign of something more serious, and most likely needs antibiotics.

4. Limit contact with the sickos- First-timers, this one is hard. As much as you want to hold, cuddle and sleep next to, your sick sad baby, avoid it. The last thing you want is to be sick too.

5. Wash your hands like a maniac. Always. Especially during cold and flu season be diligent about washing hands. Keep antibacterial hand sanitizer close for emergencies when out and about. (Note: doing this can cut your chances of getting the flu drastically.)

6. DO NOT touch your face. Did you know: Touching your face is the fastest way to get germs into your body?  As a rule of thumb, especially during cold and flu season, don't touch your face without washing your hands first.

7. This too shall pass. Seeing your little one sick and sad is devastating. I know. But don't fret, soon, he will be climbing the walls with strawberry jam hands again like nothing ever happened.  My rule of thumb is to hold it together for 48-72 hours when it's clearly a virus--runny nose, low grade fever,  fatigue, sometimes the shits too. It never fails that my little guy is back on his feet in 2-3 days.

How do you ensure you and your family are prepared for cold and flu season?  What are your best tips?

April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit