**I've partnered with LACTAID® to share some great recipes and ideas for enjoying all the flavors of the Holidays Lactose-Free. All Opinions are my own. Especially, the part about hitting my life quota for Lactose, and it being total crap.
One of my favorite things about the Holidays is the food. Some of my happiest memories from Christmastime are decorating cookies with my mom and siblings while drinking hot chocolate piled high with whip cream or gobbling up pie with a yummy cold glass of Egg Nog.
Don't even get me started on the holiday party spreads and dessert tables. I've already polished off a bar of Peppermint bark. I LOVE the holidays!!
Being that so many tasty treats are at my fingertips during the holidays, it's safe to say I throw all caution to the wind. I have so many amazing points of rational about why it's OK to gorge myself with cookies and egg nog, even if it makes my tummy hurt. In fact, I rarely even think twice before making a second round past the desire table.
If you follow the blog, you know that after having my son, I become Lactose intolerant. I was told that it wasn't uncommon to become Lactose intolerant, especially while nursing. All I could think was that the universe was playing a sick joke. I basically grew my child on Dairy Queen Blizzards, Smoothies and yogurt. Now that he's out of my body, I've hit my life quote for Lactose during pregnancy, so no more?
It's crap.
Thankfully, all of my online moaning and complaining about being Lactose intolerant netted me a few comments to try LACTAID®. While it took me a little while to break down and try the milk, missing ice cream as much as I did, I didn't hesitate to try it out.
Think: Tasty vanilla ice cream with ribbons of fudge! Um, yum. I ate an entire bowl, and my stomach never hurt!
Sick of Almond and coconut milk, I gave Lactaid Lactose-free milk a try with my cereal.
Surprise, amazing.
I actually had to laugh about it.
I don't know why, but I thought taking the lactose out would change the flavor.
It's milk, 100% Dairy minus Lactose. Not that you would ever know in a taste test. At least FTD didn't.
I love the LACTAID® brand so much, now I am an ambassador. Which, is super-duper awesome because I get to know about all the new products and ice cream flavors as soon as they are available!
Good news.
For the last three years, I have had to drink only a few sips of egg nog, or face a knotted belly. Still, I would drink it, because I love it. Plus, it only comes out once a year, and for such a short time!
This year, I found out about Lactaid Egg Nog, and again, I was unsure. Would it really taste the same?
Creamy, rich, Egg-noggy goodness!
I've become Egg Nog obsessed again. It's goes in my Coffee and Saturday Morning French Toast!
Holiday Egg Nog French Toast
- I really can't say enough about how LACTAID® has helped me feel normal in the dairy aisle. It's 100% Dairy, just without the lactose! I have options. The ice cream is ridiculously good. The Milk is, Milk. And the egg nog is freaking amazing!
If you or your child are lactose intolerant, try LACTAID®. It's dairy, just without the Lactose. a.k.a the stuff that wrecks your belly.
TIP: The Lactaid Website is a great resource for lactose-free recipes. From making cheeses, to cinnamon rolls, to my favorite right now, Holiday Egg Nog French Toast, you can find a Lactose-free hack for just about all of your favorite recipes. Check out the recipe page, here.
**I have received information and materials from JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER, Inc., McNeil Nutritionals, LLC Subsidiary the makers of LACTAID®. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post.