Being a first time mom is so rewarding. A blessing beyond anything I ever could have imagined. The way I feel when I hold my son close to me is the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is better! On the flip side, being a first time mom is scary, confusing, difficult, frustrating and at times maddening. Every morning when I wake up I have no idea what new experience my son is going throw at me, all I know for sure is that something new is definitely coming, possibly good or bad or both.
Being a first time mom is so scary and frustrating at times, because once you think you have it figured out, WRONG! ARG!!! Last night my son was up every two hours! NOTHING the hubs or I did was getting this baby to sleep for more than 2 hours. He wouldn’t eat, he just wanted to fuss. I tried Tylenol/paracetamol, a cold teether, gas drops, NOTHING worked. He would pass out from being tired, then wake up mad as hell. Then, this morning at 10am he went to sleep and woke up at 1pm happy and full of smiles. Everything I have read and heard says, "a baby who naps like crap, sleeps like crap." Furthermore a teething gassy baby is a recipe for disaster, but come on! An entire night of “hell no I won’t go to sleep?!”
I think babies are so cute and so sweet to off set the difficulty they bring with them. I still check to make sure my bub is breathing sometimes upto ten times a night. Every time he coughs I worry, when he cries my heart breaks. I only know what I am doing 10% of the time, the other 90% I guess my way though it, trying my best not to freak out.
I have learned that only three things remain true on a daily basis when it comes to being a mother-
- You are blessed beyond understanding. Never forget that.
- There is NEVER a dull day.
- Just because it worked yesterday, probably doesn’t mean shit today.
As long as you have heaps of love and patience, nothing will stand in your way of being a great mom. I have learned already that a baby will test that daily, but as long as you keep breathing the sun will set, and a new day will come.