This past Saturday, FTD and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. I couldn't help but look back on how much has happened in the last five years. How drastically different my life is. How if you would have told me in 5 years I would own a house, have a toddler and be a published writer, I would have smacked the crack pipe out of your mouth, then paid to have your head checked.
But, it's true.
Five years ago today, I was newly married, had a negative balance in my bank account, was working a job I thoroughly loathed and had no plans to ever become a parent.
Today, I have a house, $3 in the bank, a badass toddler son, and published in both print and online media.
what. a. ride.
The last five years led me on a journey to a better, more adult me; while still preserving the quirks and sick sense of humor that makes me, well, me.
I spent my pregnancy and the first year of my child's life freaking out about doing everything right. I lived by my son's routine, and completely submerged myself in being a parent.
The last two years have been a constant struggle to stay the most attentive, loving parent, while learning to take time for myself, without feeling guilty.
Now that my son is getting older and more self-sufficient, I'm finding more time for me. More importantly, I'm finding me.
I've realized that in the last five years my friendships, hobbies and general interest have changed. In some cases, drastically.
Where, 5 years-ago, I wouldn't pick up a hot glue gun or go to a book club that didn't promise more drinking than talking, today, I live for bringing my crazy DIY ideas to life and love any excuse to read more.
In an effort to continue to find a balance between being Mommy and me, I've started a new website to continue to push and inspire me to grow as a person and writer!
No worries, First Time Mom & Dad is still going to be updated regularly with tales of the toddler terrorizing me, parenting tips and everything in between. (Reviews and giveaways too!)
Love. Life. DIY., was born from a desperate need for a new outlet that would offer major growth and freedom.I need a place to vent, write about non-parenting content, and push myself to continue to rip up the tile, make no sew bench cousins, grow a summer flower garden.
If you are looking for a little more than just parenting advice, served up with my humor and political incorrectness, then I think you are going to be very pleased with I'm currently populating the website with some of my favorite eats, treats and DIY projects.
To make the transition from one blog to the next easy, I've added a tab under the header of each blog with the other blogs name, so all you have to do is click the tab view the other website.
I hope you love this new project as much as I do!
I also hope you too grow and evolve and strive to find your perfect balance between parenting and personal life, because it's a great place to be.
To visit Click here!