Great parents face those challenges head on and find solutions to overcome them. Below are a few of the ways great parents rock parenting like a BOSS...
Great parents:
- Figure it out.
- Sneak veggies into meals.
- Stay up all night watching over, and worrying about, their sick child.Devise evil plans to get their child to help clean up their toys and room.
- Shower their child(ren) with love, encouragement and guidance.
- Great parents fail. Then learn from it.
- Live for their children.
- Love unconditionally
- Accept their role as parent... like a BOSS.
Something else all great parents have in common, is self doubt. It doesn't help that haters, nosey know-it-all in-laws, society and "experts", are constantly telling them how to be a parent to their child. When this happens, feeling like a great parent can be difficult. And for a great parent, feeling like a crap-parent can be devastating.
Parenting is extremely hard, and thankfully, extremely rewarding. While it's scary and confusing at times, I've learned to relax and deal with each challenge as it comes, and do my best to find the humor in it.
I have no doubt, the 'terrible threes' will be nothing compared to four, and four and five nothing compared to the teenage years, but I can't worry about that now. I have to stay focused on today's challenges and how I am going to figure out a solution, because that's what great parents do. And I'm a great parent.
No, I don't always get it, "right". But I learn from mistakes and appreciate the lesson. Above all, being a parent is the greatest blessing I have ever known. My son is the brightest, most beautiful, wonderful and amazing little person. Which, is due in part to my parenting triumphs and failures, and I'm so very proud of each one, because the sum of both make me a great parent.
If you relate to this, then pat yourself on the back and tell the haters to piss off, because you too, are a great parent.