Even as a child, I thought summer break was way too long. Three months? Really?
Of course, I was excited for school to end and summer break to begin, but by July, both my mom and I were running out of fun things to do. By August, I was just plain bored and missed my friends. And I dare say, routine.
Looking back, I was just as excited for the first day of school as I was for the last.
Now that I'm an adult, and parent, I think a three month summer break from school is even more ridiculous. Three months is just too long for a child to spend in and out of summer camps, watching TV and being begged and pleaded with by a parent to,"Put down the video game controller and go play outside!"
Being that summer break is widely accepted as being much too long, a few school districts around the country have transitioned from a long summer break to year-round schools, with short breaks spaced throughout the year.
I'm not sure why all schools don't make that year-round school year transition. I know I would vote, Yes.
I love the idea of spending a summer focused on a certain theme or country. And the way Animal Trackers Club works, each week a new animal pack comes in the mail. On Week 1 we got, The Zebra...
I was blown away. The Zebra kit had the coolest stuff! Ollie instantly grabbed the Zebra toy, while I inspected the Magic Noodles, activity sheets, mask, zebra magnet and few other fun activities.
FYI: I'm still not sure who was more excited about the magic noodles, me or Ollie! The second I opened the noodles and showed him how to wet one side...
It. Was. Over. He has SO much fun with them.
The really cool part was that the noodle activity kept him busy while I read the Zebra fact sheet aloud.
Something else that struck me was how excited Ollie was about having his own special lunch box to hold his animals and activity cards. He carries the thing around with him everywhere now. Of course, a Hot Wheel or two has made it's way into the lunch box, but for the most part, it's for his "African Animals."
I love that we are already talking about different countries and the cultures, animals and climates specific to it. Thanks to Animal Trackers Club, over then next 12 weeks, I get to roll out the blanket in the backyard and take Ollie on an African Safari. My little guy is a sponge at this age, and I plan to take full advantage of it.
If you too are intrigued by the Animal Trackers Club, I really cannot recommend enough giving it a shot.
To get started, click here.