*This post has been prompted and brought to you by MetLife. The pouring out of my heart and dreams for my child is all me.
When Ollie was only a tiny little-growing kumquat in my belly, I started dreaming of his life and my grand plans for it. I would rub my belly and make promises to my unborn child about how I was going to be a wonderful mother, and he was going to have a wonderful life. I knew then, just like I know now; I would make every sacrifice necessary to follow through on those promises.
Providing the very best life for my child is my #1 priority. My parenting Mantra is: Whatever it takes. Just like in this video... Grab the tissues, this is parenting at its finest most selfless hour...
Even though those two are actors, that life is all too real for so many. The stress, fear, back-breaking work, and sacrifices are all things every parent can relate to on some level. For me, at times being a parent can be very daunting, isolating, confusing, back-breaking and scary. Thankfully, it is also without a doubt the most fulfilling, purposeful and rewarding experience and honor of my life.
I'm a firm believer that if you make the decision to bring a child into the world, it's your duty to provide the best life you can for that child. And I don't mean fancy clothes, organic only foods, and snobby friends. I mean, Love, nourishment for both the belly and the soul, and a warm bed, even if that means your arms at times. It's so important to my that I provide opportunities for my child to grow and thrive in this big world full of possibilities.
My dream for my child is that he becomes a well-educated and successful adult.
Today, I want nothing more for my child than for him to be healthy, happy and kind-hearted. I want to help him build a strong foundation now, so he has the heart and stomach to follow his dreams and achieve his goals later in life. And I'm willing to make every sacrifice necessary to make that possible. What I do today, will help shape his tomorrow...
What about you? What's your #1 dream for your child? Have you already had to make tough sacrifices?
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MetLife is committed to ensuring a future in which we can continue helping people,
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