Then, one day, that sweet gummy grin was followed by a sound that sent a beautiful rush of euphoria through my body; my baby giggled.
Be. Still. My. Heart.
From that moment on, my baby's giggle was the ONLY sound I wanted to hear. I ramped up my stupid faces and sounds, dropped more shit, squeezed more shit, threw more shit. FTD too. Our son must have thought, Where the hell did I land, the world of stupid people?
Still to this day, there is absolutely nothing I love more than seeing my son smile and laugh. Just one little smile can make a bad day, better. One little infectious laugh can melt all of my stress away in an instant.
And then there's the whole other ball game; when my son gets super excited.
Oh my goodness I love it when my son shows completely uncensored joy and excitement. Like when he nearly jumps out of his car seat when he sees a train coming, I want to jump out of my seat too. Or when I hand over a new Hot Wheel, the look of pure joy on his face followed by, "Thank you, mommy! I love it.", the world is a perfectly wonderful place in those few sweet seconds.
Of course there are millions of reasons why I love being a mother, but without a doubt, at the top of that list is living vicariously through my child. Seeing life through his eyes and experiences can only be described as one thing, Incredible.