Hellllooooo, Epic Fail Parenting moment.
For today's Top 10 Tuesday, I thought I would share a few of my recent run-ins with the toddler version of me. Without further ado, 10 Things I'm Always Doing That My Toddler Gets In Trouble For...
1. Throwing Toys. When it's time to clean-up, I have always thrown the toys into their respective storage bin to get everything put away as quickly as possible. Thanks to that, so does my kid. Except, he just throws them, no storage bin in sight. To stop the toy chucking madness I have a laundry basket I gently place the toys in, then carry them over to the toy box. It's a start...
2. Insisting on ice cream and cupcakes for breakfast. Is any real explanation necessary? The minute a child finds out about the existence of cupcakes and ice cream, everything else becomes inedible shit. I know, I still feel that way all these years later.
3. Nap and bedtime are optional. It's always fun explaining why Mommy doesn't have to take a nap.
4. Saying a 'Bad Word'. Whoops! fail... but I dropped the bag on my foot... I locked us out of the house... I forgot where I was going and missed the turn... Sometimes only one word will do! And 'sugar' and 'dangit' are not it!
5. Refusing to eat vegetables. This goes back to my preference for cupcakes over cauliflower. Still, I've paid my dues in veggie consumption, he has not.
6. Spending too much time playing with technology. Even though I could spend the entire day with my nose in my eReader, on my MacBook or playing on my phone, my kid CANNOT! I'm working on setting a better example.
7. Climbing on the furniture. I am the guilty of using a kitchen chair to get to the top of the cabinets, or standing on the coffee table to adjust the ceiling fan, or worse, sitting on the kitchen counter while FTD cooks. It's becoming increasingly hard to explain why it's only cool when mommy does it.
8. Negotiating. The only thing worse than trying to negotiate with a toddler, is when he tries negotiating with you.
9. Making a huge mess, then leaving it. Ok, so maybe I leave the dishes until morning, but no way am I letting my kid leave his mess until morning!
10. Repeating the same thing a thousand times. Just because I have to ask/beg/insist thousand times, doesn't mean it's OK that he asks, WHY? a thousand times!