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Over the last three weeks of 24/7 toddler-ing I have learned few things:
1. Those two days a week, make such a difference for me. I can get things done, take a breath, call a friend, have lunch, do what I want without a crazy kid in the middle. I have NO IDEA how full-time stay-at-home-moms of one and especially multiples do it. If NEED my time. (I cannot recommend a Parents Day Out program enough! We go to the church a couple of blocks away and LOVE IT! Call the closest church, and schedule a visit.)
2. My kid is full throttle 24/7 and learning and growing everyday, right before my eyes. Some things are awesome, some are annoying...
Being that we have been together 24/7 I am noticing all of his changes, manners and that, without fail, if I say NO or don't do that, he gets gitty with excitement and does it... and that's not where the fun ends...
Lately, he is a talking machine. If he's not talking, he is singing. His vocabulary is fantastic, and for most everything he can communicate what he wants/ needs. But here is the kicker... He sounds Australian. Yes, FTD has managed to pull it off. For example, Ollie says, "Caaaaaa" instead of "car". I drew the line when I caught FTD teaching Ollie that "Z" is really "Zed."
Potty training is on his terms. Some days, he is all about it. Others, not so much. I always ask, but don't pressure him. I was hoping to be out of diapers by now, but I'm thinking a couple more months, then push for it.
Toddler Tantrums are regular occurrences and from hell. Ugh. Just about anything will set him off. The level of freak out usually depends on how tired he is. Tired=Armageddon
Some of my other observations are...
- He is obsessed with cars, car washes, trucks, butts, and getting in trouble.
- He thinks he is the boss.
- He announces what he is doing and thinking and needs. There are no boundaries or filters to what he will say.
- He is constantly in the refrigerator and freezer looking for snacks. SUCKS!
- He is doing this baby talk thing lately. SO ANNOYING!
- He can sing all of the ad jingles on YouTube because I am a stellar parent. (Think: Wayfarer)
- He still loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse. but will not watch more than 5 solid minutes of TV before running off to find a toy or trouble.
- He loves to ride his tricycle... halfway on our walk then have me hold him and the tricycle the other half.
- He is still a picky eater, but I'm thankful that I can get him to eat most any fruits, and a few veggies.
- He loves to cuddle again. Which is awesome!
- He sucks at staying in his bed all night. SUCKS!
- It's dance party all day everyday. Sometimes he doesn't even need a beat. He just sings and dances.
- He has WAY too many toys, but somehow manages to play with each one daily. I think it has something to do with the 10-second toddler attention span. He can get through a toy box in 5-minutes.
- He can run fast, climb high and jump on and off of everything. The kid is a heart attack to take to a jungle gym.
- He naps at noon and goes to sleep at 8:30... in a perfect world. It's more like give or take and hour... of me begging him to go to sleep!
- He LOVES to color and make things. We have arts and crafts every day.
- The kid is an absolutely adorable go-go-go independent brilliant pain-in-the-ass, and I could not be more thankful and blessed for this time I have with my bad ass toddler.