I am so super addicted to technology. Helloooo I am a blogger plugged into every social media channel available. I'm so far gone into the technology dependent abyss that I even check my emails when I wake up in the middle of the night. I know. I know. I need my head checked.
My first Tech Timeout occurred at 3pm on Friday, September 6, 2013. I chose 3pm because that is normally when my day has a lull. I will sneak away to have some tech time while ollie has a small snack and watches Wiggles. So for my first tech timeout, instead of sneaking away for email time, while the man-child ate his snack, I read him a couple of books. (I would show you pictures but I couldn't use technology!)
Then we played with his Hot Wheels in his room. By the time we were finished playing with toys and a little game of "I'm gonna get you!" it was nearly 5pm! My Tech Timeout lasted TWO HOURS! Yes, I did think about checking my email or taking a picture a few times, but when I accepted that it was not an option, I was able to let go and focus on my son. HUGE!
For both Saturday and Sunday's timeouts, I read. After I put Ollie down for his nap, I grabbed my book and went outside to read. I left my phone inside, on vibrate. This was a very liberating thing. My phone is like a life line to me. Why I do not know. It's not like I get calls all day. I am not popular, my emails can wait, Candy Crash should be sent straight to hell, and social media is turning my brain to mush! My phone is the root of my technology strife! Sorry, I digress... I read for nearly two hours while Ollie slept. A. MA. ZING! I spent four hours relaxing, and enjoying a great book this past weekend. NO technology was involved. This will become a regular thing now.
On Monday, I took a tech timeout on my own. In fact, I take one every day now. The experience showed me how much I was missing each day obsessing over technology, or the things I am plugged into, thanks to technology. I realize I need to work smarter when it comes to my blogging and social media. I need to set out time for emails, and most of all, get control of my Candy Crush addiction. I waste so much time on my iPhone. Honestly, I need to trade in my smart phone for a dumb phone. I need a phone that makes calls and sends texts. That's it. I spend more time on my phone everyday than on anything else. I hate to say it, but I give my phone more undivided attention than my son. SICK! SICK! SICK! What kind of example am I setting?
Do you need a tech timeout? Does your entire family need a tech timeout? Chances are, you all probably do. Check out this Infographic. It' scary how dependent we ALL have become on texting and social media...
I sincerely hope this not only ones your eyes to the need to step away from technology for an hour a day, but I hope this helps your family to have more QUALITY time together.
For more information on the timeouts, and to download a pledge form for your family to sign, visit www.techtimeout.com
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