Am I robbing my son of his anonymity?

I never planned on writing this blog.  I never thought I would ever be a "blogger" for that matter.  I started my pregnancy blog, because I am a writer and felt shut down on the pregnancy forums for voicing my opinions. I never expected that blog to grow into anything, and I certainly did not expect to start this blog, but after getting so much encouragement to keep writing after my son's birth...  Regardless of how it happened, here I am now, a mommy blogger with my son's beautiful face posted all over the damn place.  I never ever meant for this to happen.

I always swore I would never post photos of my son like my friends who over posted their kids on social media.  I also swore I would NEVER let my child become famous or work in media of any type.  Yet, somehow, I have done just what I said I would "never" do. Never say never...

I honestly told myself on Oliver's first birthday I would stop blogging.  Or at the very least stop posting his photos... not. so. much.  The thing is, he is great, and fun to talk about and his photos are always just so damn awesome I want to share them!  That's what parents do in this age of technology right? We share our kids photos to a point of ridiculousness.  We shove our kid's face in your face until you post about how sick of it you are on your social media. Still, am I sailing in with the times, or stealing my son's anonymity?

It's too late to really contemplate this from a what have I done stand point, I can only think what should I do differently, if anything, moving forward. Honestly, I didn't expect to this blog to get so big.  I thought it would just be me and my super wonderful and faithful readers from Tired of being Pregnant   talking and sharing.  Since we are all spread out across the world, continuing the blog kept us together, sharing and stumbling through with no judgement. 

Don't get me wrong, I am SO thankful this Blog has grown into what it has, because thanks to the comments here and on my social media, us new parents are getting the tips, compassion, and encouragement we need from each other.  I am very proud of this blog and how much it has helped first time parents! Still, this is not about the blog, it is about over sharing Ollie with the world.

While I am not sure what I am going to do moving forward... I am sure this is something I need to think seriously about since this blog is here to stay, and growing every day.  Should I continue to post photos of Ollie, or just photos of everything but him?

 How do you feel about posting pics of your child on the Internet?  Is it ok?  Or a big fat no way?

In other news... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a second to vote for me.  Just click the image below to send a vote my way.  That's it, one click, and your vote is sent. It will help me out SO SO SO much.  

Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Two confused parents=One amused baby Hopelessly we are trying raise a baby who is clearly smarter than both of us. April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit