For those of you just joining, here is what is going on....
What: The 30/30 Walking Challenge
When: October 1st until October 30th
Where: Anywhere your feet take you
How: All you have to do is walk thirty minutes a day for thirty days. Here is the best part, you can walk at any pace you want. Snail slow if you want, just walk for thirty minutes.
I wish I could take the credit for this program, but I learned about it on, "The Doctors" TV show. They had an episode full of different diet and exercise challenges. The walking challenge was the one that really resonated with me. With this program you can lower your heart attack risk, lose weight, add years to your life, sleep better and of course, better your over all health and mood. (Don't believe me? click HERE to watch a short video about this program.) Another great aspect to this program is that it is FREE. All you have to do is walk to reap the benefits. No gym membership, diet or personal trainer screaming at you necessary.
The girl who took this challenge on the show reported that she lost ELEVEN pounds, and by the 14th day she was already feeling,"great." She admitted it was difficult at first, but that it not only got easier, and eventually, she began to look forward to her walks.
My friends, just think... in two weeks you could be sleeping better, reducing your cholesterol and chances for a heart attack, losing weight, and become a healthier, happier person. How could you not want to at least try? I am tempted to just call it the 30/15 challenge, because I have faith after you walk for thirty minutes for 15 days straight, you will want to keep walking. I know this because I started this program back in August, just to see if I could do it, and if I could actually practice what I preach, before I preached it to you. Well, I can. I too look forward to my walks now. I also look forward to being your fearless leader. I promise. If my plump lazy bottom can do it, so can you!
So, here is the plan...
Next Tuesday October 1st, walk. That's it. I really want this to be something that you can easily incorporate into your day. For me, I walk in the morning after Ollie and I have breakfast. We walk out the door and I let him pick the direction. I follow him for about ten minutes, then I strap him in the stroller and take a brisk twenty to forty-five minute walk. This has become a routine that we both look forward too. I know the fact that I am stay-at-home mom makes it much easier for me to set my schedule. Still, the woman who took the challenge worked full-time. She got creative with her walks by instead of taking two buses to work, she took one and walked the rest of the distance. In an effort to help you all get creative, I have come up with a few ideas to help you easily blend the challenge into your day!
1. If you take public transportation to work, walk to the next furthest stop or station. (I know for those non-morning people this is a stupid suggestion)
2. At lunch, walk 15 minutes away from your desk, eat, then walk back--maybe even the long way back.
3. On the weekends go explore a new (historic) town or nature trail with the family.
4. New mothers on maternity leave, make it a point that this challenge is CRUCIAL for you. Go for a walk by yourself every evening when your partner gets home. Of course you can take the baby, but getting out for some alone time will kill two birds with one stone for you!
5. Only need a couple things from the store? If one is close enough, walk there!
6. Walk the kids to school for the month.
7. On rainy days, clean or organize a closet for 30 minutes, better yet, go to the indoor mall for some retail therapy--Again, kill two birds with one stone!
8. Go walk through an outdoor mall.
9. For a week straight walk out of your front door and take a different street or path and see what you find!
10. Take your walking shoes to work with you, and put them on before you leave. The first step is ALWAYS the hardest!
HINT: Tell as many people as you can that you are doing this. Get a support group to help encourage and hold you accountable! YOU CAN DO THIS! It's just 30 minutes for thirty days. It's not hard, or an on going commitment. This is a challenge that you know you can do. Let me know how I can help. I LOVE getting your emails and hearing your excitement! Keep them coming! firsttimemomanddad(at)gmail(dot)com (<---I write it like that to keep the idiot spammers from annoying me... as much as possible!)
Shortly a tab will be at the top of the web page called "30/30 Challenge" that will give you options to "check-in" with your walk. I will also be posting photos of our daily walks on my social media channels too! So make sure you are following on your favorite social media page to stay up to date! Please also feel free to post your walking photos to the First Time Mom and Dad Facebook page.
YouTube: First Time Mom and Dad
And last, To keep you motivated and encouraged I will be posting awesome giveaways along the way! (Want to be a 30/30 challenge product sponsor? Email me!)
Again, I am SO excited to get this going. I just cannot wait to see where we all are one month from now. I just know the 30/30 challenge will life changing for those of us who stick to it. WE CAN DO THIS!