Wordless Wednesday-The Tantrum Throwing Toddler

SO! ...My kid is such an overachiever he has hit the Terrible Twos head-on at only 16 months old!

In order to not go off on a crazy tangent, I am going to write this post Wordless Wednesday style- through photos. 

Lately, Oliver has gone from my happy sweet wonderful man-child, to this whiny, fussy temper tantrum throwing man-child.  At first I thought it was due to his molars breaking through. But now, three weeks later... NOT SO MUCH! He is pushing the limits and throwing a fit when I call him out, or God forbid, say NO! 

So here goes, my wordless rant...

A few weeks ago, life was sooooo goooood~

And then....
It all started when he realized that getting down on the ground made throwing a fit much easier for him and life harder for me...

He starts the fit by sitting down and fussing at me. He makes this strange throaty EHEHHEHEHEHE sound, then when I bend over to pick his whiny crazy ass up, he lays down on the floor and somehow miraculously gains an extra 44 pounds, making picking him up a back breaking chore. Here see exhibit A...

Ollie:  Mommy... YOU SUCK!

Then when I cannot take it anymore, 
I go to pick him up he lays down and begins whining even louder....
Ollie: I don't want to go to the store!
Me: We can go get an ice cream...
 Then tries to crawl away like the world is the worst place...
Ollie: Fine... I will go get my shoes... very slowly...
Or when I catch him in the act of naughtiness and make him stop doing whatever it is that he is doing... God help us all!  See Exhibit B...

Exhibit B: 
Me:  OLLIE! Get out of there...

BOOM!  Right down on the floor he goes....

Ollie:  WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN???!!!!
It does not matter where we are, inside or outside, he still lays down on the ground... See Exhibit C

ME:  Ollie, come on buddy...
 It's time to go inside for dinner...
He is so cheeky, he actually lays down flat really really slowly...
 so no surface is too hard or hot for his fit...
Ollie:  No thanks.  Here is good for me.
Bedtime... HA! Not if awesomeness is still left to do! See Exhibit D...

Exhibit D:  
Me:  Come on dude... it's bedtime!
Ollie: Yeah... ummmmm.... How about we do bedtime...
the day after never!
I try not to react too much, or put up with it.  You know... pick my battles wisely and all... 
OH MAH GAWD YOU ALL!!!! See Exhibit F

Exhibit F:  
Me:  COME ON DUDE!  Mommy is losing it!!!
Ollie:  Oh Mommy... This is only the beginning...


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April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit AprilMcCormick.com