Clearly that little furry S.O.B. LIED! So no big surprise when I read that Punxsutawney Phil was being indicted on fraud charges for lying to the country about having an early spring. (True Story) But due to technicalities, the the charges were dropped.
So far it has snowed everyday of spring, in fact, it is snowing as I type this... Y'all I live in the SOUTH! WTF? This extended winter is not cool. Not. Cool. At. All!
FTD, Ollie and I are closing in on shades of 'The Shining'. Its scary. And what scares me the most is the role reversal. Picture FTD riding the trike around the scary hotel while Ollie types out 'All work and no play makes Oliver a
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I feel so horrible now that Ollie is at the ripe age of Explorer, yet cannot explore. He wants to see and touch everything. He wants to run wild through the grocery store and knock everything off the shelves at Target. He wants to play with other children and go down slides. Not sit at home with his lame ass parents all day. Hell, I don't want to sit home with my lame ass either!
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Poor kid, he is trying to hide from his reality! |
Too Late... |
1. Make a ball pit... even if you only have a few balls. Some is better than none!
Damn, it looks even shadier in the photo. I sincerely hope you have more balls than we do. |
2. Teach your child how to suck snot from a dinosaur....essentially you are instilling some doctor tendencies early on.
3. Build a climbing mound. Throw down a couple of couch pillows and cover with a blanket. Ollie will climb on this thing all day long!
4. Buy a clear plastic storage bin and some stickers. Voila! You have a clear portable toy box. Ollie loves this!
5. Put some "Wiggles" on and relax for a few minutes...
Oh who are we kidding... I think this should be a testament to how nuts we are... But at least we are trying. Do you have any tips or games you play that keep the crazy at bay? Please share!
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