I keep finding myself in conversations with strangers, where I refer to myself as,"a new mother". So imagine their surprise when they say to me, "Aww that's great! Congratulations! How old is your baby?" Me: "um...er...12-months." How completely stupid I must sound! I am not a new mommy. Not. Even. Close! So then, why do I keep referring to myself as one? What the hell is wrong with me? It is time to stop hiding behind the excuse that I am this way or that, or do things this way or that way, because I am a new mother. I officially declare March New Mommy Autonomy Accountability month!
Here are my the three biggest 'New Mommy' cop-outs that have got to go!
- I am still dragging around my pregnancy weight because I am a new mommy that does not have time to eat and exercise properly. WRONG! I am a chub-chub because I am not mindful of the shit I am putting in my mouth because I am making excuses about being a crazed new mommy. Well no more! Oliver can sit in his Pack'n Play and watch a TV show while I make AND eat a healthy sandwich for lunch! I can also find the time to exercise 3 times a week. I can do theses things. It's time to be accountable for that!
- I have no life because I am a new mommy. WRONG! Ollie goes to sleep at 7pm every night and doesn't wake up (most nights) until 5am at the earliest. Not only can I go out, I can stay out for more than two hours, enjoy myself and have grown up conversations about anything but my child! I can do theses things, it's time to be accountable for that!
- I am still struggling to be a great attentive and affectionate wife, because I am a new mommy and am too tired at the end of the day. WRONG! This is actually really serious. I realize that all of 2012 I was focused 100% on Ollie. Really, I think both FTD and I were. But, what I also forget to realize is that while I was pregnant I was not exactly the most loving and attentive wife either. We have not connected like we used to since before I was pregnant. Now I find us both of us going off to our own things after Ollie goes to sleep. ME to the computer to do my emails, twitter, FB page and blog. FTD goes off to do... whatever it is that he does... We need to reconnect, light some happily married fires... I need to be more of the attentive, interested and loving like I used to be. I can do theses things, it's time to be accountable for that!
ok, maybe since I am still terrified about having a #2, somethings will remain the same. |
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