Monday Memories-Wild Animals BIG and small from around the world

Today's Monday Memories Prompt is, Wild Animals.  That's it. The wonderful Chrissy at Quirky Chrissy, said we can interpret that any way we want!  What awesomeness is that!  Being that I consider myself a bit (a lot) of a wild animal and of course FTD and Ollie are wild Animals, I thought why not make a photo montage of the family!  But, then I thought, nah... I kind of do that all of the time...

I am a HUGE animal lover, I mean, one of those crazies who would get naked in a town square to protect wildlife. I have been fortunate to have traveled to some wonderful countries in my life, and one thing I always try to do is go to zoos to see the indigenous animals to that part of the world, or at the very least, try to do some sort of wild life preserve tour.  So that is what I will make my photo montage of today, the animals I have taken pictures of from around the world!  And remember, Chrissy said it was my interpretations, so some may be wild, some may be caged, some may be human, and some may be from the sea.... but in my book all of  these are wild animals...

Oh, and if you have any questions about the animal please leave a comment below. I will add captions to the more interesting photos...

I hope you enjoy!

An Albino Wallaby.  SO CUTE!

These are my birds in OZ!  They wait outside our door
for me to feed them every morning. Sometimes there are 50-100

Me and my friends havin' a snack!

Don't get in the way of a Kangaroo eating!

Nice Kitty...

This is our Bird Roger in OZ.  I hate that he is in a cage... but that's all he knows.

I LOVE this photo.  I took it at the Barcelona Zoo.
The Lion just stared at me.  But in a nice way.
I wanted to take him home.

The following are the Wild Animals of La Rambla Street in Barcelona, Spain

The Following are my wild Animals!

Run for your lives!  It's a werewolf in Kroger!
Yes, FTD loves Halloween masks, and wares them through Kroger.

Two confused parents=One amused baby Hopelessly we are trying raise a baby who is clearly smarter than both of us. April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit