I love the turn of the calender year. I see it as the end of a chapter in the book of life and the beginning of a new one. So much can happen in a year, it's hard not look forward and wonder where I will be this time next year. It's also amazing to look back to where I was this time last year, and see how much has happened and changed...
First of all, I grew and delivered a human. A freaking human! I know how crazy I sound saying it like that, but seriously, it's still crazy to me that I have this beautiful perfect baby. What a blessing. I can not even begin to put into words the blessing that he is, and the unbelievable unconditional love I have for him.
Secondly, I survived the hazing of the first few months of Parenthood. That shit is bananas! B.A.N.A.N.A.S! No sleep, pure confusion, constant second guessing, fear, pain and more pressure on my marriage than I thought it could take. But alas, my marriage is still in tact, and my son is not only still alive, he is super healthy, smart, happy and way ahead of the development curve on so many levels, so, hell yeah to me and FTD, we did it!
Secondly, I survived the hazing of the first few months of Parenthood. That shit is bananas! B.A.N.A.N.A.S! No sleep, pure confusion, constant second guessing, fear, pain and more pressure on my marriage than I thought it could take. But alas, my marriage is still in tact, and my son is not only still alive, he is super healthy, smart, happy and way ahead of the development curve on so many levels, so, hell yeah to me and FTD, we did it!
Easily my chapter of life from 2012 will be titled: The Year of Oliver. I carried him, birthed him and nurtured him this year, and truthfully not much else. I wish I could say I accomplished more for myself this past year, but I cannot. I didn't take the time for myself, I was not a priority. Which is why, my one and only resolution for 2013 is to find a happy balance between being a wife and mother and being just me. I don't regret devoting so much of me to my son this past year, because I will never get this precious time back, but now that he is almost one, and ready to go to daycare a couple days a week so he can socialize with other kids, it's time for me socialize and grow too.
Truthfully, as I look forward to 2013 I have no grand ideas or expectations. Of course, I would love for my book on pregnancy to be published, or maybe even get a full time column gig. I love to write, it would be such a blessing to spend my life making a living of it. Other than that, I plan to start the year off with an open mind and heart. I know there is absolutely no way of knowing where I will be a year from now, so for now I just plan to lean on my faith and pray for the very best. Most of all, I pray that my family stays healthy and happy, and that we continue to be blessed.
Now, as for the last damn day of 2012... I plan to enjoy every moment of it. I am so thankful that today, my family is healthy, happy and so very blessed.
Now, as for the last damn day of 2012... I plan to enjoy every moment of it. I am so thankful that today, my family is healthy, happy and so very blessed.
Happy last damn day of 2012 to you, what's your biggest accomplishment of 2012 and hopes for 2013?
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