Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays my friends!

I wanted to say thank you so much for a wonderful year of blogging and friendship. You all mean so much to me.  If it were not for your comments and encouragement through the crazy journey that is motherhood, I would think that going crazy was a bad thing. Thank God I have you to remind me that losing my mind is not a bad thing, but actually Natures way of making parenthood much easier. Plus, the less I remember the more likely I am to do it all over again!

ok, I digress...

I also wanted to let you know that between now and New Year's Eve, I will be posting my 'best of' posts from both tiredofbeingpregnant.com and firsttimemomanddad.com.  I will be adding a sort of then and now commentary to each post.

Needless to say, the only place to start would be with my very first post, "I Hate Being Pregnant!"  It's hard to believe I wrote that 17-months ago!   The re-posting of the best ofs will be a journey thought the last 17-months. I hope you enjoy!

Oh and, the trip to OZ had been put on hold. But only temporarily... More on that later...

Happy Holidays and all the very best to you in 2013!

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Two confused parents=One amused baby Hopelessly we are trying raise a baby who is clearly smarter than both of us. April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit AprilMcCormick.com