Q1.What are the things you miss the most about your pre-baby life, but was so worth giving up to have Ollie?
A1. My roaring twenties and thirties.
First and foremost, I miss the amount of irresponsibility that I could get away with pre-baby! I miss not having any accountability on the weekends. I could stay in bed, or go for a weekend long road trip at the drop of a hat. I miss the feeling of no strings attached freedom.
However, as much as I say I miss the freedom to fly by the seat of pants and throw caution to the wind, I enjoy having my routine with my son more. I enjoy feeling like I have not wasted or missed one important second of my day. Basically, I do not miss my twenties, which somehow rolled over into my thirties by a couple of years. ;) I am a much better person for the responsibility and accountability having a child brings into my life.
I also thankfully gave up…
My expensive shoe and handbag fetish
Rough edges. Seriously, I am softer and gentler now.
Filthy unfiltered mouth-I worked in advertising. It's a prerequisite of the industry.
Q2. What haven't you given up?
A2. Drugs, alcohol and prostitution of course! Oh, and a little moonlight pole dancing too.
Sorry I couldn't resist...I have not given up my dreams and aspirations.
I still have to stay focused on my dreams and aspirations. The first 6-months of my son's life I was 100% all about him. I quickly realized that was not healthy for either of us. There has got to be a balance between my focus on him and myself. I have to continue to chase my dreams for both of us. I have to have a life too.
Q3.What things did you give up that you are surprised that you don't miss?
A3. My old life.
Before I got pregnant I really had an indifference to a responsible adult life. I was basically a child when I got pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I held a great professional job, paid my bills and was a faithful and loving wife. I just didn't have anything else in my life but my husband, job and happy hour. Now my life has purpose. I have a new drive to become a great role model for my son, and be the best person possible.
My new life is awesome, and holds so much more promise and hope. I would not change one thing about my life now. I really like the person I have become in order to be a good great mother to my beautiful son.
Thanks Mrs. B. for the question. I really enjoyed answering it! I also look forward to answering them again when Oliver is 12-months old, just to see where my head is at then. I also wonder if I will revert back to some of my lazy behavior once I get the full hang of this mommy business.
I would love to hear what everyone else’s answers would be to one or all of the questions.
If you have a question for FTD or me for our Friday FAQ please email us at firsttimemomanddad @gmail.com.