In order to join the so called " Blog Hop" you have to "follow" the hosts, usually via GFC, first. Thus, gaining the hosts anywhere from 60-200 new followers EACH WEEK. Oh, and do not expect them to follow you back. Next you have to put a "link or button" about the Blog Hop on your Blog. This is really just a link back to the host's blog. Gaining more pageviews and followers for the hosts, NOT YOU!
So now that you have "followed" the hosts (usually 3 or more) and added a link to THEIR page on your blog, you can now begin the hop. The point of the hop should be to find like minded bloggers. But, lets face it, most people join a hop to get more followers and likes for their own blog.
This is how that works.
1. From the host's site there will be a list of blogs that are "on the hop." You are supposed to visit each of the blogs, become a "follower" and then leave a comment to let the blogger know you are a follower. Which really goes something like this, "I love (didn't even read) your blog. Can't wait to read (never visit again) your blog. Oh and by the way I found you through the blog hop and I become a follower (now you better follow me!). Have a nice (don't really give a crap) day!"
2. Once you have visited all the blogs you can start visiting all of the various Blog's facebook page and twitter accounts. For more superficial likes and follows.
3. Make no mistake, 1% of the 10% return will actually read your blog again.
During my first Blog Hop I visited as many blogs as possible, followed every one, liked facebook pages, I did the damn thing, and got maybe a 5% return. Maybe the people didn't like my blog. That's not the point. The whole gimmick of the Hop is to, "Like" or "follow" the blog and then that blogger should follow your blog back. Not gonna happen.
My most recent hop was called "The Friday Blog Hop" this one was by far the biggest load of wank I have ever seen! First of all, I had to follow 4 blogs to get on the hop. Who cares if I liked their content or not? Then of course I added the button (Link to the host's site) to my blog. This time I only visited the blogs that had names I liked, and only followed if I liked what I read.
I'm over trying to follow 40 blogs for the sake of getting 4 followers back! Of the 70 or so blogs on the hop, I ended up following about 10 of them. Of the 10, 4 followed me back! To add insult to injury, this morning one stopped following me. To which this practice is not uncommon, a blogger will follow a bunch of blogs then unfollow once they get your follow. Ugh, really?
The bottom line: If you are looking for a new mom blog to follow then these hops do have a huge list for you to go through. If you are looking to boost your followers, look elsewhere. All the Hop does is help the hosts. DO NOT expect to get more than 1% return on your follows and likes.
Go to the local baby store and hand out printed cards with your website on them. That will get you a better return for your time than even the most popular Blog Hops.