Babies, Families and Photos that will make you laugh out loud

 I laughed out loud at every single one of these photos.
What better way to start August off than with a laugh?!

This is what I expect hubs to do with Ollie, while I'm sleeping.

You never know... Halloween...

Hardwood floors anyone...

Another one I expect from Hubs...

Poor Guy, that's not a baby pool!

 Love it!

Ahhh Boys....

That's a hungry baby

I can see how he would think this is a baby water fountain.

I Love this.
I know my mom asked this question.

That'll be right.

That tag was in all of my clothes until 16.

Once I stopped laughing,
I made hubs promise to never do this.
He refused, explaining that that was the most germ free way.

So True


Well Done!

Now that's sleeping like a baby.

Again, had to ask hubs to promise to not try this at home.

Why do I know this will be tried at home.

Not so funny... But Super Sweet!

I love vindication

So sad. Please don't let me be lame...

That's my Ollie!

This is so bad. But I can't stop laughing!

Not right on ANY level!

After discussing another child.


Two confused parents=One amused baby Hopelessly we are trying raise a baby who is clearly smarter than both of us. April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit