I have a couple of announcements!
Since I know a good number of you read the blog from your smart phone, I wanted to post this information since you do not get a full view of the website. (All of this information can be found on the right hand side of the website view.) Also Smart Phone users, in case you did not know, under my banner on the right hand side is a small arrow, if you tap on it, you can view the pages on the website, including all of the beautiful babies shared by readers!
1. I'm officially a Twit! Or is it a Tweet? Whatever it is, I'm now twittering my little fingers off! Please join me @ 1stTimeMomNDad (I've embedded the link so just tap 1sttimemomNdad)
2. I've set up a Facebook page so all of us can chat and post stuff! I get so many funny photos emailed to me that I need an outlet to share them. I bet you have a few too. Plus, I will be posting some of the ridiculous photos and Video I take of Ollie, me and dad! The Page is called (surprise!), First Time Mom & Dad. (Link Embedded)
Please follow me there too. Just click the "like" button on the page so we can stay connected.
3. This is a bit cheeky (but totally Legal!),I need your help to be a "Top Mommy Blogger". Just click on this link to "Top Mommy Blogs" and that's it! All you have to do it click the link and it counts as a vote. No email, sign up, nothing! Just click the link...
My blog is listed under "humor" and I'm ranked #30 in the category, which is awesome, but I'm hoping to get in the top 25! Overall I'm #128, and hoping to make it into the top #100! I really need your help to get there! Please & Thank you!
4. I'm so thankful for each of you! I have the best stats, beyond my dreams, and each one of you got me there! After a year of posting Mon-Fri and most weekends... I may just figure out how to make a career out of writing... or not. Regardless, knowing you all reading... keeps me writing everyday. Thanks for the push I need to keep going!
6. Sad but true... and a bit funny!
7. Something for the men to talk about with other men.
8. Me, hubs, and Ollie!