While doing some research for a post, I came across a couple of funny baby photos. I actually laughed out loud at them and immidiately searched Google Images for more. I found so many, laughed so hard and realized I had to share. Below are my favorites... Happy Monday!
I have no doubt
Daddy will teach Oliver this one! |
That's the same face my grandfather makes
when he passes gas. |
Lil' Soprano
I have seen this one before... |
... so to find the original was awesome.
And to find out it's a girl! |
I LOVE this! |
I hope that baby is not seeing his own face
on that milk carton! |
How does this happen? |
So Funny when it's not yours. |
Yep, I'm totally doing this next Easter. |
OOOH I cannot wait for Halloween! |
I can just hear the parents
pissing themselves laughing
staging this shot. |
Yes, we will be getting one just like this
with Oliver.
We already have the helmet. |