It is just amazing to me how much peace my son brings me in the simplest moments. I have spent the day solo with Ollie and have been filled with so much joy. Now that we have found a nice daily groove together our days are so wonderful. Here is a list of my very favorite mom-ents.
- When I walk into his room in the morning and he smiles really big when he hears my voice.
- Getting my lil guy to smile and "tell me stories" (coo) in the long check out line at the grocery. Everything and everyone melts away... I could stand there forever listening to his stories.
- Smelling and folding his tiny little clothes.
- Kissing his delicate baby toes.
- When my son is napping peacefully in my arms.
- Playtime brings us both so many smiles and laughs.
- When I'm bathing my baby he just stares at me with a content smile while I soap him up. It’s our time.
- Saying “nite-nite” prayers with my baby.
- Rocking Ollie to sleep, his soft sweet lavender smelling head tucked under my neck.
- Leaning over Ollie's crib after putting him down for the night, staring in amazement that he is MY perfect beautiful baby boy!
- Sneaking in to check on him for the 10th time and listening to his beautiful breath.
I love being a mommy! I bitched the whole way through pregnancy and I would probably bitch all the way through it again, but my son was so more than worth ever single minute! I have never in my life known so much peace and happiness.