I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by, but it’s true Oliver is three months old today!
At three months old he is…
- Nearly 25 inches long.
- Nearly 16 pounds!
- Not completely bald but close! He still is loosing his hair in funny tufts.
- Still exclusively breastfed.
- Is sleeping about 16 hours a day total.
- Not showing any signs of sleeping through the night, BOOO! He sleeps his first stretch starting at 7 or 8pm – and goes to 1 or 2am then the next for 4 hours and then he is either ready to rock and roll at 5 or 6 am or hell to get back to sleep.
- He smiles at me when he hears my voice or when I am staring at him smiling too.
- He coos sounds of happiness and kind of yell-coos sounds of bored or annoyed.
- Is wearing 6-9 month old clothes. 0-3 onesies turn into baby thongs on him.
- He is wearing #2 diapers. Though daddy got #3’s because he is now 3 months and he thought that’s what the number meant! LMAO!
- He’s reaching out for things we put in front of him but not quite grasping and holding on yet.
- During tummy time he is lifting himself up and looking around, he is also moving his legs like he is ready to start trying to crawl.
- He is holding his head up really well, but he cannot keep it there,
- Focusing on objects and clearly trying to process what it its.
- Trying to stand up on my lap and loves pushing off of my hands when he is having tummy time.
- He only cries when he is hungry, tired or bored. If I am a good mommy he rarely cries!
- Refuses to go to sleep in his crib for the night if it is light in his room. I have had to by light blocking curtains to trick him into going to sleep. 2 points mommy!
- Is eating 5 ½ ounces of milk nearly every three hours! Mommy is busy!
- Flailing his arms and legs nearly 20 hours a day! Yes, even in his sleep. It’s constant. I have had to stop watching the monitor or I will go cross-eyed staring for so long!
- He it the light and pure joy of my world and is teaching me the meaning of life!