Enjoy every second...

I have heard so many times from friends, family and even strangers, while standing over Oliver, "enjoy every second, because they go way to fast.” I have certainly learned that the hard way over the last 11weeks. I cannot believe how fast the weeks have gone by. My little guy is already trying to walk and talk! I am really trying to slow down now and love and embrace every second…

... Yes, even the seconds that I get peed, pooped or spit-up on. The seconds that seem like hours when my baby refuses to go to bed. Or while nursing the seconds that last 45 minutes, EVERYTHREE HOURS! The beautiful seconds when he smiles and coos at me, squeezes my fingers and melts my heart when he looks in my eyes.

It's true the past 11 weeks have gone by in the blink of an eye. Even though I am so tired of dragging my tired ass out of bed every three hours to nurse him, I know in my heart I will miss it some day. So now when I slide out of bed I try to remember to embrace it. I hold my baby a little closer and longer before putting him down to nap. I’m loving bath time, playtime, spit-up time, fussy time, and feeding time more than ever.

Every second with my beautiful son is precious! My baby that will be three months old this week! Which I believe means that at three months my Newborn is no longer a “newborn”but just an Infant! (Insert me sobbing)

So I tell you my friend, next time you are covered in puke, pee and poop that somehow simultaneously shot out, embrace that because one day when your bub is a teenager screaming at you, you will wish you were covered in baby puke, pee and poop instead.

Seriously, enjoy every second good or bad because they are special and go way too fast.

Two confused parents=One amused baby Hopelessly we are trying raise a baby who is clearly smarter than both of us. April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit AprilMcCormick.com