The Mommy Fail of the week has got to be me letting Ollie
take a 5-hour nap. Actually daddy
was there, so he’s going down for this shit too!
I fed Ollie and immediately went out to run a few
errands. I came home with 15
minutes to spare before his routine three hour feeding time to find Ollie and
daddy taking a nap. When his
feeding time came and went I woke up the hubs to find out how long they had
been asleep. He said just about an hour so I laid down next to them to wait for
Ollie to stir. 3 ½ hours later I
woke up next to a still sleeping Ollie!
I jumped out of bed and flip flopped between kicking the
hubs ass for letting me/us sleep for so long or wake up the boy. I opted for the boy with a promise to
deal with dad later. Holy crap
nearly five bloody hours of sleep during the day! I cannot get 4-hours at night without one hell of a tired boy
coupled with a massive feeding. No
surprise the minute I had him up he realized how hungry he was and turned the
cry meter up to screeching mad!
Here is where the 5-hour nap gets trumped in dammit-ness… He
was so hungry he was past ravenous!
He sucked down so much booby milk so fast he spit it back up all over
me, the Brestfriend pillow and himself.
I wipe us up, reattach him and he does it AGAIN! ARG! So round three, I
controlled his intake by repeatedly letting him eat for a few minutes and then
burping him. Thankfully he didn’t chuck all over me again.
I was really concerned that letting him sleep for so long
was going to completely screw up our routine for the rest of the day and
night. Thankfully, so far no
difference. I kept him up through
the next feeding and all seems back to normal. My sister thinks he is just a
big growing boy and needed the sleep. But, still!!
5 hours is the longest he has slept straight so far and he did it during
the day!
I realize now that since he is sleeping so long I need to
set an alarm if I am going to nap while he does. This will ensure we both don’t sleep all day. God help me
if I put us back on the newborn sleep schedule of sleep all day party all
Honestly I am not sorry he slept so long. Surely the little guy needed it if he
did. Of course moving forward I am going to set an alarm to wake him
up for his normal feeding. If he is tired and wants to go back to sleep after
eating then so be it. Growing up
to be my big strong guy is hard work!