10 Things That Will Give Your Easter Life


Make your own Easter basket grass! Did you know the shredded plastic basket filler you buy in the grocery can be fatal to children and animals if ingested? 

Skip the killer store-bought-strips and make your own basket filler by shredding colored paper then crumple it!

Make Bunny Tracks - I LOVE THIS! Use construction paper to create a bunny foot stencil to cut out the outline of the bunny's foot then use flour to fill in the foot! Cheap and easy! I can't wait to see my little guy's face when he sees the Easter Bunny hopped into our house...

SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! is my new favorite Easter treat!

 Rice Crispy Treat Easter Bird's Nest.


Mmmmmm Breakfast. Easter Bunny Cinnamon Rolls from Betty Crocker..

The Idea Room's Easter Bunny Bread Bowls are SO CUTE!

Goldfish Party Carrots - I'm making these for The Kid's Easter Party at school.

These tealight eggs are so so so cool! 

I love this idea..... Easter Egg Planters!

Dye your eggs with All-natural Easter egg dye.

Not into DIY dye? McCormick Spice has every recipe and design idea imaginable for DIY Easter Eggs 

April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit AprilMcCormick.com