There’s no playbook for having kids, and while every parent is allowed to parent in their own way, there are still things every parent should do first. After all, having kids will change your life in a significant way, and it will cause you chaos, and stress, and memories, and everlasting love. Thankfully, when you find out you’re going to be a parent, you have about nine solid months to get your life in order and be prepared for the bundle of joy that is coming your way. If you’re going to be a parent soon, here are six things to figure out before your first child is born.
1. Budget
Money is always a stressful topic for parents, and adding a kid to the mix will just make it worse. According to Time, the cost of raising a child has risen to $233,610, and a quarter of a million dollars is not something most people just have lying around. Before your child is born, it’s very important you figure out your finances and your budget. Be sure to account for things like diapers, wipes, formula, and overall care, as well as other expenses that come with your child. The sooner you can get this done, the less stressful this extra cost will be to your bottom line.
2. Will
If you don’t have a will, now is the time to make one. According to The Barnes Firm, personal injury attorneys, “Having a will in place creates a lot less chaos after an accident or death. Parents should always create a will so that their children are protected if something terrible happens to them.” Creating a will is not a very long process. Find a local lawyer to draw one up for you so that it’s taken care of before your child is born.
3. Child Care
It may seem strange to start looking into child care before your child is born, but it’s important for you to have an idea of what life will be like. If you’re planning on staying home from work to be with your child, then you may only need to find child care for certain situations, such as nights out with your significant other. However, if you plan on going back to work, then it’s important for you to determine who will watch your child while you’re away. Will you use a professional service or will a friend or relative watch your child? Figuring this out will ensure all your plans are in place so you’re not stressing when the time comes.
4. Responsibilities
If you are having a baby, it’s a good idea to discuss responsibilities with your significant other. For instance, will the mom be the one waking up in the middle of the night every time the child wakes up, or will you alternate who gets up with the child? Will one parent take bath duties, and another take diaper duties? Determining the responsibilities each one of you will take-on ensures that everyone is on the same page and will deter arguments after the baby has been born.
5. Vehicles
Having a baby will make you more determined to stay safe, and this means having the right vehicles. If you don’t have a vehicle or have an old one, choosing a new vehicle before the baby is there is important. This way, you can have the child safety seat installed before you go to the hospital. Plus, it will keep you from having to spend a day at the car dealership with a newborn in tow. If you’re ready to upgrade your vehicle for the new baby, then be sure to do it sooner rather than later.
6. Living Arrangements
In addition to a vehicle, it’s important for you to figure out your living arrangements. Are you currently living with roommates? If so, you may want to find a place of your own, as having a baby may crowd the area. Are you in a safe neighborhood or one with good schools? All of these are things to consider when there’s a baby on the way. Moving before the baby arrives will allow you to move with fewer items and instead have a nice place to call home when your baby is ready to arrive.