Do This To Save Your Sanity During The Holidays

Alright, Parents, the holidays are around the corner. Your sanity is at stake. What's the plan? 

I'll tell you what my plan is, relax and pack in as much 'Me' time as possible. It never fails, from the week before Halloween to the week after Easter, I'm non-stop. My weekly schedule is so covered in different color highlighter pens, I'm convinced Moms invented them to help keep their shit straight. 

If you are totally nodding your head, thinking, Yep. Me, too. And, Amen to highlighter pens, then keep reading. It's essential that you build 'Me' time into your schedule before the holidays take over. Below are a few ways to go into the holidays with your sanity, and maybe even come out semi-sane, too. 

1. Reconnect with your partner
The holidays are a magical time. Make sure you and your partner go into them together. Reconnect now, before life gets insane. Rebuild your partnership, rekindle your love, reconnect. Try to set aside one night a week after the children have gone to bed, for just you and your partner. NO phones, no internet – just quality time together. Babble has some excellent ideas on what you can do together including cuddling up and watching your favorite TV shows, movies, cooking a yummy dinner, having a drink on the porch by candlelight.
2. Go On An Adventure
I love nothing more during my me time than escaping reality in the pages of a good book. Make a trip to your local library and check out a few fun books, magazines, and audiobooks. Go on, when was the last time you visit the library, for yourself? Remember how much you loved it? GO. Go back, my friend. The adventures await you.
3. Indulge in a little retail therapy
When was the last time you treated yourself? Like, really treated yourself? Screw buying the kids something off Amazon, buy yourself something! GOt the best damn bar of chocolate you can find and eat it, ALL BY YOURSELF! Whether it's, boots, booze, chocolates or LuLaRoe, get it!
4. Get Lost In Cyberspace
Stuck at home? No Worries, the Internet has got your back. There are plenty of fun things to do Online! Make a Pinterest board full of your favorite things. Surf Houzz, GOogle Images and everywhere in between. Dream Away... Or, if you're feeling lucky, try to win some extra holiday money on the MGM casino online. (Please, play responsibly.)
5. Enjoy a nice glass of wine
Wine-down while you wind down. Not drunkard style, but a glass or two is actually a good thing. As According to a fantastic article on the Daily Mail An adult beverage after the kids have gone to sleep is a bloody good idea.
Whatever you do, enjoy yourself and your 'me' time. The Holidays are almost here, don't go into them already crazed in a shitty relationship with last year's leggings. Get it together so you can keep it together!

April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit