PARENT PSA: 5 Halloween Costume Safety Hazards Parents Often Overlook

Whether you are making your little one's costume or buying it, below are 5 Halloween Costume Safety Hazards parents often overlook. Trust me, the last thing you want is a sh!tty Halloween!

1. Make sure the costume is weather appropriate. A frozen Princess is only a good thing for, Disney.  Dress your child appropriately, or face a wasted costume that is either ripped off for being too hot or covered with a blanket or coat. THINK: Avoid the Pretty Woman Hooker Costume in Alaska... Or always. 

2. Don't smother the kids with stifling masks. Make sure the mask is easily removed by your child, does not fit too snugly and allows for ease of breathing--through BOTH the mouth and nose. Babies and toddlers are crappy mask wearers. All they want to do is rip them off. Don't get your hopes up, and make sure the camera is ready the second you put the mask on or you might never get the photo! TIP: Hats are best secured with chin straps using velcro to hold the hat in place. The velcro will easily break away in an emergency situation.

3. Skip facepaint when possible. Facepaint is a recipe for disaster. Especially when put on around the eyes, nose, and mouth. All it takes is little sweat to make the paint run, opening the door to burning eyes and consumption. If facepaint is necessary, it should be free of all toxins. Young skin doesn't stand a chance against the harsh toxins found in cheap paint. Also, DO NOT use last year's paint. NOTE: Face and/or body paint on children under one is not recommended.

4. Make sure the fabric is not itchy or too rough. The itch factor can end a great costume's run in three seconds. Which, will end a happy Halloween. Which, will suck. COMFORT IS KEY!!! 

Think: This...

5. The costume should fit correctly, not too long or tight.  With the constant running, jumping and skipping your child will do in the costume, the costume needs to move easily with the child. Too long, and your child will trip. Too tight, and your child will be miserable trying to keep up with his friends. 

Avoid This:

BONUS TIP: Make sure the shoes your child wears are comfortable, or you will find yourself carrying your child in one arm and four pounds of candy in the other. 

What's your little sprout going to be for Halloween? Are you making a costume or buying one?

April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit