I rarely review the same product twice. But there are cases, where I love the product so much, that when any type of update or supercharge happens, I will certainly consider a redo. And today, that's happening.Even though I did receive the following Tootscoot II children's Balance Bike free, ALL opinions expressed are my own. I love this balance bike. I loved the first one! Tootscoots are a step above the other available balance bikes, for many reasons. All of which, I will illustrate below.
Why I love the Tootscoot II Balance Bike:
1. HUGE for learning to balance and boosting motor skills. The book is incredibly sturdy, using well made quality materials. The little seat is even nicely padded! It takes less than five minutes to assemble, and even less time for a child to learn to ride it!
2. FAT TIRES!!! I would say this is one of my favorite features about Tootscoot balance bikes. The fat, plastic, tires are epic because not only do they NOT require an air pump, or pop, the fat tires are easy to balance on and go slow. Very, very slow when compared to other balance bikes with rubber bike tires. My brother bought an imitation Toootscoot at a garage sale that had skinny rubber mini bike tires. He ended up taking it away from his son the same day because the bike would go way too fast. Lucky for him, Ollie was riding his bike at this point, so I let him borrow it.
3. Fully Adjustable for little early walkers up to five year olds!

4. Ergonomic and comfortable. One of the latest upgrades to the Tootscoot Line is the elevated footrests for easier riding and standing stationary.

I love it. I truly love this balance bike. And I have no doubt it's the reason my son was able to hop on a regular kids bike with training wheels before his third birthday!
If you're considering a balance bike, I highly highly highly recommend looking into TootScoot Balance bikes. And if nothing else, take into serious consideration the difference between the hard plastic fat speed controlled wheels and the skinny rubber fast wheels....
To buy the Tootscoot II Balance Bike Online or to find one in a store near you, click here.
To buy the Tootscoot II Balance Bike Online or to find one in a store near you, click here.