The 10 Greatest Moments From The Best. Weekend. Ever! #ContinentalMom #ForWhatYouDo

Today's Top 10 Tuesday is packed full of my favorite moments from my weekend with Continental in San Antonio and Uvalde, Texas. INSANE! INSANE! INSANE!

My friends, this past weekend was up there in awesomeness with my wedding and Ollie's birth. Seriously. Thanks to Continental Tires, I met 10 incredible top bloggers across different platforms, I ate amazing food, I had my every need anticipated and provided for, I learned about the different measures of tire tread and what they really meant, I got to compare the top leading tire manufacturer's tires in multiple driving scenarios, I learned life saving driving skills, I got to ride in a helicopter and in a 150k BMW Drift car, shoot skeet, and see the Alamo! All in 36 hours! INSANE!!!! I just kept thanking everyone, and in-between pinching myself to make sure it all was not a dream.

Even though the weekend started off with a teary eyed departure from FTD and Ollie to board a plane for San Antonio, Texas, my tears quickly turned to tears of joy when I realized that this magical weekend was really happening...

Fun fact: I LOVE LOVE LOVE flying on an airplane. Every time I drive by an airport I wish I could pull in and fly somewhere.  I also love looking down at the ant people and their ant sized dwellings.

When I arrived at the hotel in San Antonio, I had just enough time to put on a pretty dress,  heels and make-up before the cocktail reception then a short walk to dinner at Boudro's Steak House on the San Antonio Riverwalk.

I had to stop for a Riverwalk Selfie. It was such a beautiful day in such and beautiful place!

Speaking of food, 
a HUGE highlight was getting room service.  
I had breakfast in bed TWO mornings in a row!  #BLISS

Saturday morning we met in the lobby where we were handed a bag of yummy snacks and water, then escorted onto a coach bus! I told one of the coordinators that I imagined white vans would take us on the 1.5 hour journey to Uvalde, and that I was so stoked I would have rode a donkey to the proving grounds. 

I was beyond giddy! 

Once on the grounds, it seemed like time stopped. We did SO much in only a few hours.

After our safety briefing with a review of the events planned for the day, we hit the 5000 acre proving grounds to see if Continental's new TrueContact tires with EcoPlus Technology, really were the best in the world...

We tested TrueContact tires against the other leading tire manufactures on various wet tracks. At times this was SO intense. Think Hydroplaning at 55 miles an hour. I learned so much about safety this week.
It was like driving on an ocean of water...Then, the next thing I know, I am being told it's time to go in the helicopter so I can see all of the 5000 acre proving grounds from the sky.  OH. MY... YES, Please!!!! (It was my first time riding in a helicopter!)

And then, as if a helicopter ride was not enough, I got to ride in this drift car, with Professional Driver and Drift Racer, Tommy Van Cleef!  Holy crap! What a ride...

 Just when I think there couldn't possibly be anything left to blow my mind at the proving grounds... We pull up to these...

BAHA Racing?
Yes, Please.
At this point I am speechless.

Truth be told, by the time our day on the proving grounds was finished, so was I. Thankfully, Continental anticipated that and put us all back on the coach to go to a private restaurant. Once there we had an amazing dinner and the  opportunity to fish, sit under a tree by the river, play games, shoot skeet...  Picture it, 11 women running to the skeet range. Hell yeah we wanted to try it!
PULL!  I didn't even come close to one! 

After dinner we boarded the bus to head back to our hotel. And because we are were determined to set the world record for packing the most awesomeness into one day, we took a short stroll from the hotel to the Alamo! 


See... Best. Weekend. Ever! (I had Ollie on a Thursday and got married on a Sunday, so those don't count.)

Thank you so much Continental Tires.  
Not only are your tires the best, so is your amazing hospitality! 

April is an award-winning writer and blogger. Her work has been published in over ten countries and four languages. From books to newspapers, to print/online magazines and everything in between, you can find her work. For more on April, Visit